Tag: meditation

yoga from the heart for wellbeing

Dhamma Java

Silent Night, Vipassana Night

Christmas 2020, the Christmas I spent silent, literally. I was sitting in silence, meditating. I participated in a 10-days vipassana course held in Dhamma Java, Gunung Geulis, Bogor, about 1.5 hour drive away from Jakarta. This isn’t my first time; I did it before back in 2013, in Dhamma Bhumi, Blue Mountain, New South Wales…
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Pillars of a Good Life

There are four pillars of life. When they are all well developed and well balanced, life is good. When they are underdeveloped, life is probably not so good. Whey they are not balanced, if one aspect is much more highly developed than each other, maybe life is pretty good, but not as good as it potentially…
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