Yogasūtra of Patañjali
Chant & Reflection in the Viniyoga Tradition
Saturdays, 18:00 – 19:00 WIB
Study, chant, and reflect the main text of yoga, Yogasūtra of Patañjali, in the Viniyoga tradition.
This program is suitable for serious students of yoga and want to embody the wisdom of yogasūtra.
Chanting is one of the ways to really ’embody’ the sūtra-s. To be able to reflect on the meaning, we need to be able to ‘hold’ them. Through chanting them we synchronize and integrate the sound, the meaning, with a tune & rhythm, so the sūtra-s ‘stick’ with us. This is how the ancient Vedic knowledge can survive for thousands of years prior to the invention of printing technology, the verses are studied & chanted from one generation to the next.
I studied chanting the yogasūtra in the Viniyoga tradition with Madam Menaka Desikachar, mother of my teacher Kausthub Desikachar, wife of the late TKV Desikachar, during my study at Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation.
At the beginning I did not understand what is the use of learning how to chant it? It is not easy. It takes a lot of focus & concentration. As I continued studying and teaching the sūtra-s, I begin to understand the purpose, as I experienced the benefit myself. One of the benefits of chanting the sūtra-s is to make the sūtra-s stick. When the sūtra-s are embedded in our memory, then our conscious & subconscious mind can process & reflect the sūtra-s more consistently. Think about it – don’t you have a song that ‘stick’ with you, since forever? Words + rhythm + tune made the song ‘stick’ in our memory. Now instead of some song lyrics, we are remembering the wisdom of the yogasūtra.
Contact me at yoga@silviahendarta.com or whatsapp +628156058887 if you’re interested.